Tuesday 21 January 2020

Unlock The Potential of Influence Marketing To Grow Your SaaS

Until now, you are already familiar with how lead generation tactics help us generate new leads from scratch. 
But, what about all those leads that we already have in our pipeline? 
What will happen to them? 
Why do we keep on investing all our marketing efforts in finding new leads when we have plenty of them already settled down in our own pipeline? 
Here is the part where the concept of influence marketing takes place. 
Like the name states, it’s a set of actions that you take as a marketer to influence leads that are already registered in your CRM. It mostly focuses on those leads that your sales team has stuck in their pipeline. 
The tactics you can implement may vary. Most common are blog articles, e-books, case studies, whitepapers, videos, etc. The goal: getting quicker to the bottom of the funnel (more conversions). 
Focus On Leads That Are Already In Your CRM 
First, open your CRM. Focus on the leads in the sales funnel. Check out all of the information that your sales reps have been collecting about them from their conversations. Then, make a strategy on how to impact those leads. 
Click here to know more about #B2BSaaSMarket

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