Friday, 6 September 2019

Concerned About Your Instagram Followers

Instagram being an easily accessible virtual meet-up spot currently is spreading very fast, that a non- Instagrammer these days are considered to be an alien. Instagram followers are meant to be far more valuable than any quality opinion.
The platform was designed to be promoting any person, thoughts, ideas and art forms because sharing is believed to enhance your talents and boost confidence. It allowed us to view opinions as well and to like the feeds, to let them know our view on that particular feed, expecting an improvisation.
The world now states to follow your heart, but it seems like they are following the so trending Instagram likes.
The Instagram addiction
Instagram has now been widely spread and very addictive, especially in youngsters, resulting in a less productive schedule. They are now concerned about the number of likes, obserwujący or views they get for their feed.
While the platform actually provides a lot of exposure and knowledge through each photo or video, the purpose is being misled to a large extent now, that the users had gone blind for so many irrelevant and fake opinions and likes.
Imagine a world running behind these numeric digits, leaving behind all human qualities, and fighting like beasts for mere digits. Imagine the talents, efforts, self-confidence, and respect burning to ashes. What quality do you expect the earth to follow then? Or what system do you expect them to be in?

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